You Caught Him, So Now What? 5 Easy Steps to Move Forward

So here you are like a deer caught in the road with a look of what to do on your face. The hurt from finding out your significant other has betrayed you can be devastating to say the least. There are no healing words to explain what's going on with you right now, but there are some things... Reviews five things to be exact, that can be done in order for you to move forward. Let's begin with:


1. Giving credit where credit is due- It's not your fault! Therefore do not ACCEPT the blame. You must understand when someone decides to cheat there is a high level of confusion on their part. They are simply unable to deal with real life situations and this has absolutely nothing to do with you and cannot be saved or fixed by you. That is an issue of inadequacy that can only be addressed and resolved by the guilty party. This first step must also be partnered with the fact that you as an innocent party deserve more. Moving forward will be impossible if you are carrying the weight of guilt that you somehow caused his behavior.


2. Saturate yourself with the truth- As hard as it may seem the step of saturating yourself with the truth is needed. That means dissecting every painful inch of the situation and yes this will be extremely hard to do but it's necessary in order to achieve the grandeur prize of peace in the end. Repeat to yourself he slept with her, say it again he slept  Chinalove with her, getting louder with every statement, HE SLEPT WITH HER! Continue by saying they changed positions, they did it on the floor at the park in the car on your bed, her lips between his legs, his lips between her thighs. Say it! Own it! Get down and dirty with it. This step serves the purpose to desensitize the fear associated with moving forward and strengthening you emotionally. You will not be able to progress through the healing process if the truth is distorted or overlooked all together. It does not mean obsess over the event it plainly means accepting what is.


3. Feel what is present - Step two will definitely stir up some emotions but whatever you do don't go against what you're feeling. Allow yourself to grieve. It's okay to cry and feel anger. It's okay to feel like the world has ended and you're left existing all alone. The purpose for this step is to cleanse the mind and soul of the belief that you will forever be imprisoned by your pain. With each tear and true emotion you feel a sense of relief and peace will soon follow. So there's no need to mask your hurt with phony smiles or suppressing your emotions to appear strong. You're human and this pain is here to teach you so don't be afraid to learn what it has to say. The lesson being taught is your future is determined only by you and you can either wallow in misery or weather through the storm to victory.


4. Picking up the pieces- Now it's time to slowly make your way back to what's important which is placing the focus on you. Treat yourself to a day of pampering. A new hairdo, a new outfit any small or grand gesture to celebrate you. Exercising is a great tool for reducing stress and gives you a natural feeling of euphoria so make time for it. A long walk is all it takes to clear the mind and keep you focus. Hanging out with a friend or keeping a daily journal are healthy ways to vent and release any pinned up frustration you have.


5. Prepping your heart for love again Believe it or not the time will come for you to let love back in your heart and it starts with reclaiming your power. Each day you spend reliving the hurt placed on you is time and energy wasted. It weakens the spirit and gives him full power and control. It happened! Learn from it and know that you will be a stronger woman as a result of it. At this point hatred and rage should be eliminated by securing yourself with confidence in knowing that if you made it this far, you are capable of handling anything that comes your way. So kudos to you for being brave! You are amazing and stronger than you could ever imagine. Let's face it you had what it took to land him so don't think for a minute you don't have what it takes to pull in the right man who will appreciate all the wonder you have to offer. The key is not to rush through this process go at a pace that feels right for you and let it lead you to a place of forgiveness and having an open heart for a new love. The sweetest revenge you can dish out is for you to be HAPPY!

