How To Win An Ex Back After You Have Cheated On Them? The 5 Steps You Must Take To Do This!

Cheating is the ultimate betrayal, which is why your ex isn't too keen on getting back together. HOWEVER, there are couples who manage to overcome this monster of an obstacle, which means that it doesn't necessarily END everything. It just makes it harder for the relationship to work, BUT these 5 steps will show you how to win an ex back after you have cheated on them:


Step #1: Take ALL The Blame - You must let your ex know that YOU are entirely at fault here. You must give them the chance to be able to blame you, and criticize you, and judge you here; because you brought this upon them by your decision. They did not ask for this. By doing this, you give them a chance to heal, because you finally RECOGNIZE their right to be in pain; but also ACKNOWLEDGE the fact that you are at fault, and the fact that your actions hurt someone.


Step #2: Do Not Ask To Get Back Together, Instead Leave - Instead of asking for your ex to forgive you, or to try again; just leave. The more you stay around, the more prompted your ex will be to argue, review because your face literally reminds your ex of the betrayal. Leaving gives your ex time to heal, and prevents them from completely hating you.


Step #3: Do Not Do Anything Intimate Or Dating Related - Don't even let your ex catch you on Facebook, because any LITTLE thing could set your ex off. Remember that he/she is going to ASSUME that you are still a cheater, or that you are going to cheat in the future. This is why you must cut off all seemingly social things from your life while you are away from your ex.


Step #4: Work On Your Attitude And Personality - It's your attitude and outlook that lead you to cheat in the first place; and could potentially tempt you in the future though you feel otherwise right now. That is why you must work on it, so that your ex can see that you SharekAlmore have truly changed. Only your EX can determine that, by the way. If you simply TELL your ex that you have changed, they will not believe it. They must be able to see and notice it on their own, NATURALLY, without you telling them; in order for them to believe it.


Step #5: The Re-Contact Period - During this period, you will re-establish contact, in a very light and gentle fashion. You should listen to your ex during this period, as they may still blame and accuse you for many things; which you should not argue but should only accept and should apologize for. You should also make attempts to do things that you never did before for your ex, on such a level that your ex will understand that you are truly trying to show you've changed and that you're truly just messed up and need a second chance.



